Department of Nursing:
Children's and Women's Services/OB-GYN Patient Education Committee
Children'sHospital of Iowa
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
Creation Date: Unknown
Last Revision Date: July 2000
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
Creation Date: Unknown
Last Revision Date: July 2000
Perhaps you already feel committed to the idea of breastfeeding. Or perhaps, you have some uncertainties, but still feel it is worth a try. Your outlook depends on many things; the value you place on breastfeeding, how your partner feels about it, how your friends have fed their babies, your lifestyle, and your feelings about yourself and your body.
Remember to attend one of our Breastfeeding Classes. A weekly afternoon class and a monthly evening class is offered. You will find them helpful in learning correct latching-on techniques and selecting pumping equipment. Ask the scheduling clerk or one of the nurses in the clinic to help you sign-up for one of the classes
Have You Thought About Breastfeeding?
You probably have some ideas what breastfeeding will be like. Perhaps you think it will be easy and convenient. Maybe you worry that it might not fit in with your activities and plans. You may have concerns about your ability to breastfeed. Probably you know other women who tried to breastfeed but soon gave up. Exploring your attitudes, expectations, and concerns about breastfeeding are an important part of deciding what feeding method is best for you and your baby.
Myths About Breastfeeding
- The milk was not rich enough.
- One day the milk supply dried up.
- The milk did not agree with the baby.
- The baby suddenly decided that he/she wanted a bottle instead.
- Women with small breasts are not able to breastfeed.
- Women who are "nervous types" are not able to breastfeed.
- Breastfeeding causes the breasts to sag. Whether you nurse or not, you may notice a change in the firmness or your breasts after you have a baby. Childbearing, not nursing, along with age and heredity, is a major determinant of the breasts’ ultimate appearance.
Concerns About Breastfeeding Worries about modesty: Although we all know making milk is the natural function of our breasts, many of us feel embarrassed about exposing them. At first, you may be more comfortable breastfeeding in private, but most women find that with time and experience, breastfeeding in the presence of others can be discreet and comfortable. You may have heard that breastfeeding can be painful. Normally women find it comfortable and pleasurable. Some women worry about developing sore nipples during the early days of breastfeeding, but most soreness can be avoided by correctly positioning the baby at the breast. Or perhaps, you have some uncertainties, but still feel it is worth a try. Your outlook depends on many things; the value you place on breastfeeding, how your partner feels Leaking milk: If you leak breast milk, press down on your nipple with the heal of your hand, through your clothing. Or, without drawing attention to yourself, cross your arms across your chest and apply pressure. You can also use store bought pads without plastic or put clean handkerchiefs or cloth diapers in your bra. |
Preparing nipples: For most women, there is no need to prepare your nipples for breastfeeding your baby. Good skin care for all women includes no soap and no rubbing with a towel. All women should check for flat nipples in the last three months of pregnancy. If you are unsure, ask your health care professional at your next checkup. Your provider may suggest an evaluation of your nipples by the breastfeeding specialist.
Returning to work or school: There are many ways that breastfeeding can be continued after you return to work or school. You will need to express or pump your milk or arrange to have the baby brought to you to breastfeed during meal breaks, so that your breasts do not become too full. You must also plan for your baby to be fed while you are apart, either with your own milk or formula. While it does require some planning ahead, many mothers who work outside the home or attend school, feel that breastfeeding offers emotional compensation for the hours that must be spent apart.
Which Medela breast pump should you choose? The type of pump you need depends on how often and for how long you need to pump. A mother who is usually at home with her baby will need a different pump than a mother who is working or going to school. If time is important, think about selecting a double pumping breast pump instead of a single one. Pumping both breasts at once can save you time. Below are a list of breast pumps from Medela and suggestions for when they work best.
If you are planning to go to school or work part-time (for occasional or short term pumping): Mini Electric, Double Mini Electric, Manual Spring Express, Manual Electric (this pump contains the parts needed to upgrade to an electric pump).
If you are planning on working or going back to school full-time (pumping 2-3 times a day or more and for long term pumping): Pump-N-Style (looks like a shoulder bag), Lactina Select (for rent only), Classic Medela Pump (for rent only).
If you have a preterm baby who is unable to breastfeed yet and you need to keep up your milk supply, you will need to pump every 3-4 hours daily: Lactina Select (for rent only), Classic Medela Pump (for rent only), *Pump-N-Style (can be used if Lactina or Classic Pump is unavailable).
For information on Medela breast pumps, dial 1-800-TELL YOU and put in your zip code. You will be given a list of places that rent or sell Medela breast pumps and supplies.
After you have your baby at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, you will be given the choice of a pump or pumping kit to take home. These are Manual Spring Express, Double Pumping Kit (for the Lactina or Classic pump), Pump-N-Style (looks like a shoulder bag and has its own tubing).
If for any reason your insurance company does not pay for the cost of the Pump-N-Style, you will be charged $208.50. The retail price is about $250.00. Insurance companies usually cover the cost for the Manual Spring Express and Double Pumping kits.
We are giving you information on the Medela brand of breast pump as they are the brand stocked here. Other brands are available, but do vary in quality. A poor quality pump may even damage breast tissue. To be sure you get a high quality breast pump, buy or rent one from a medical supply store.
Insurance Coverage of Breast Pumps
Individual plans vary. We encourage all patients to call their insurance company with questions about coverage.
*** The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breast milk for the first 12 months of baby’s life. ***
Advantages of Breastfeeding for the Baby - Breast milk is the ideal food for the baby.
- Breast milk is easy to digest and absorb, causing less colic.
- The iron in breast milk is utilized more readily.
- Breast milk changes to meet the needs of the growing baby.
- Breast milk contains substances that promote nervous system development and brain growth.
- Breastfed babies have fewer allergies. In families with a history of allergies, breast-fed babies experience less asthma, food allergies and eczema.
- Breastfed babies have fewer illnesses, such as ear infections, colds, flu and GI upset. They also have fewer doctor visits and hospitalizations, because of the special protective factors in breast milk.
- Breast milk may help babies to respond better to vaccines, as antibody levels have been found to be higher in breastfed babies at 7 and 12 months.
- Breastfeeding may decrease SIDS (crib death).
- Breastfeeding is inexpensive.
- Breastfeeding is always available.
- With breastfeeding, there is nothing to mix, measure, or heat, and no bottles to wash.
- Breastfeeding makes nighttime feedings quick and easy.
- Breastfeeding makes travel with baby easier.
- Breastfeeding promotes attachment between mother and baby.
- With breastfeeding, there is often less vaginal bleeding after delivery.
- Breastfeeding promotes a faster return of uterus to its pre-pregnant size.
- Breastfeeding can help with weight loss.
- Breastfeeding may decrease ovarian cancer and premenopausal breast cancer.
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